

Children at Istead Rise Primary School enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum. Their learning is rich in knowledge, but also in key skills that can be carried forward throughout academic journeys and into further life.  Our aim is to raise aspirations and increase life chances of all pupils whilst developing tolerance and appreciation for the diversity of our community. 

Subject content is delivered in considered sequences of learning that our curriculum leaders have carefully designed to best allow learners to effectively build upon and apply existing knowledge, developing a greater depth of understanding of concepts and achieving the best outcomes. The integrity and unique architecture of individual subjects is represented throughout the sequencing of our curriculum model and information on individual subject progression and intent can be viewed via the links on the right-hand side of this page. Where there is discretion over the content of subject curricula (for example, in history and geography), we have selected material that best represents the school’s local context.

We aim to enable children to become resilient and independent learners, who are willing to accept a challenge and set high expectations of themselves and to effectively employ their skills and knowledge to purposeful learning activities. We teach children to cooperate with each other and in lessons, and always allow space for individual views and opinions to be shared in the classroom. We strive to ensure that pupils develop a comprehensive skill set through regular focused application of the knowledge they acquire throughout their academic journey and insist that our pedagogy develops the ability to retrieve and apply knowledge learnt in prior stages of learning. 

Our school has a welcoming, purposeful atmosphere, underpinned by our core values of Independence, Respect, Perseverance, and Self Reflection. We celebrate success and effort, whilst always offering nurture and support.

Our school’s grounds and facilities allow children to enjoy a wide range of experiences within their year group curriculum. We have our own onsite forest school, swimming pool, expansive sports fields, outdoor play and sports equipment and a considerable number of laptops available to support children's learning in computing and across the curriculum. 

Our teaching staff promote aspiration amongst their pupils and are always ready to innovate and adapt to meet the needs of all learners. Our teachers ensure that lessons are engaging and interesting, and our wider enrichment offer provides pupils with a range of memorable experiences. As well as delivering all the academic content as required by the National Curriculum, our staff also teach a rich range of information and knowledge of the wider world, as well as a sensitive and inclusive programme of PSHE, online safety and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

We closely monitor and assess pupils’ progress as they move through a carefully sequenced curriculum, making sure to regularly stop to check understanding and our teachers have the professional autonomy to make adaptations where necessary to ensure that all learners are achieving at an appropriate standard.

We will keep parents updated on what children are learning in class via the information shared through links on this page, our fortnightly newsletter, ‘parent drop-ins’, parent consultations and pupil reports. If you have any questions about your child’s learning, you are very welcome to contact your child’s teacher to arrange a conversation, please contact the school office in the first instance.